WordPress outsourcing companies

Please describe your experience with ftp, ssh and web hosting control panels


I was contacted with my brother to develop the graphical interface of a software to configure projections on complex surfaces. The company that sets up these shows created their own software and to commercialize it they had to package the user experience.

Every action, every button was studied, use cases, wireframes, and mockups were made. Finally, the elements were delivered separately, with instructions so that the IT team could use everything.

The Chilean Handball Federation needed an image refresh so I imagined this solution. Unfortunately, the project never saw the light of day. It is likely that the work will be used in another project soon, so when it comes out of the oven I will update this post.

Some friends set up a digital agency and asked me to help them create a logo that would reflect their activity. The name would be W3 in allusion to the three WWW. The final solution is a contrast game where the negative space of the W and the 3 generate a cursor.

Panel de control del sitio web

Mail Boxes Etc. es una de las mayores redes de centros comerciales del mundo que ofrece servicios de logística, comunicación y apoyo empresarial a empresas y particulares. Operando en el sector de los servicios empresariales, MBE aporta valor ayudando a las personas y a las empresas -más concretamente a las pequeñas y medianas empresas- a mejorar la productividad externalizando en MBE los requisitos y procesos relacionados con el negocio que no corresponden a las actividades principales de los clientes. La presencia local también garantiza que el conjunto de servicios distintivos de MBE esté convenientemente disponible tanto para los profesionales como para los consumidores. Esta presencia minorista sitúa a MBE en una posición única para funcionar en la «última milla» entre las empresas -tanto grandes como pequeñas- y los consumidores, cuando se necesita la personalización del servicio y una interacción personal.

MBE e-Link, el plugin de Mail Boxes Etc. para plataformas de comercio electrónico, funciona como un integrador entre su tienda online y los sistemas de MBE, permitiéndole ofrecer diferentes tipos de envíos y niveles de servicio a sus clientes, con toda la calidad distintiva y la larga experiencia que ofrece Mail Boxes Etc. MBE e-Link es gratuito, fácil de instalar y configurar, y permite la transferencia automática de datos, como los destinatarios, la información de los paquetes y los códigos de seguimiento, entre los Sistemas de MBE y el comercio electrónico, lo que le permite utilizar una sola plataforma y mantenerse centrado en su negocio.

Scalahosting spanel

The Mexican Senate approved on Tuesday a series of reforms to regulate labor subcontracting in the country, a practice that affects the rights of millions of workers and has allowed some companies to pay less taxes.

With 118 votes in favor and two abstentions, the Senate approved, in general, a package of reforms to various laws to regulate the figure of labor subcontracting, a scheme that facilitated the massive dismissal of workers during the current coronavirus pandemic.

On the other hand, many companies and employers used this subcontracting scheme to pay less taxes on salaries, as well as to engage in various tax fraud activities, including the simulation of issuing invoices.

However, the reform approved by Congress allows subcontracting in the case of «specialized services or execution of specialized works», that is to say, when these contracted works «do not form part of the corporate purpose or of the predominant economic activity» of the companies or employers.

Best web control panel

Second training for the Ajuntament de Vilablareix held in the building Viver d’empreses El Rusc, resuming the continuation of the first training in basic WordPress. Most of the students repeated from the first training.

It is an e-commerce application to sell all kinds of condoms and other sexshop material from an existing online store. The purchase is done in a very simple, fast and very personal way (using your cell phone).

First of the trainings at the Ajuntament de Vilablareix (Girona). This is a basic WordPress training, although we try to see all the important features through practical sessions. The practical part of the course is done by developing an example web page.

The company Fujifilm launches an application for the promotion of the Fuji Centers that it has spread throughout the Peninsula. The APP allows you to send those photos and memories that you have stored on your cell phone to any of these Fuji Centers to print in different formats, whether paper, gift items, etc.. Then you can pick them up or send them directly to your home.