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The music video features all the members of CNBlue surrounded by what appears to be wires wrapped around each member perhaps to show a visual interpretation of what the lyrics, «I am a robot,» mean.

Kim So Eun will play a nice angel named L, who creates many accidents and clumsy mistakes. Jang Woo Hyuk is a demon, in charge of taking the souls of people who try to commit suicide, named Hwan. Because of a mistake made by L, they must stay on earth for 100 days, L trying to keep Han Si Yeong, played by Chen Xiang, alive and Hwan trying to get Si Yeong to kill himself.

A-JAX recently held an autograph signing to celebrate the release of their comeback mini-album titled «2MYX», for this event A-JAX members were hanging out with their fans all afternoon not only to sign autographs but also to interact and take souvenir photos with them.

This event was held on November 24th at Ilsan bookstore where 150 fans had the opportunity to meet A-JAX in person, the event was the first of many and some fans showed their love for the seven members as they visited them from different countries.

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On August 8, 1969, the Beatles were immortalized on the crosswalk of London’s Abbey Road, located in the neighborhood of St John’s Wood (north London), in the famous and much imitated snapshot, an icon of pop history.

The final decision to use the curious photo as the album cover was made by John Kosh, creative director of EMI studios, who thought it unnecessary to include the group’s name on the cover because, not in vain, «they were the most famous band in the world».

«Abbey Road», which contains classics such as «Come together» and «Here comes the sun», was released on September 26, 1969 and, in the opinion of the music magazine «Rolling Stone», represents one of the fourteen greatest albums of all time.

MacMillan parodied his own 1993 cover. McCartney and MacMillan revisited the Abbey Road crosswalk for the first time in the history of the band.

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