These terms of service («Terms») describe our commitments to you, and your rights and responsibilities when using our services. Please read them carefully and contact us if you have any questions. These Terms include a mandatory arbitration provision in section 16. If you do not agree to these Terms, do not use our services.
Please read these Terms carefully before using or accessing our Services. By using or accessing any part of our Services, you agree to be bound by all Terms and such other operating rules, policies and procedures as we may publish from time to time through the Services (collectively, the «Agreement»). You further agree that we may automatically modify, update or make additions to our Services, and that this Agreement will apply to any such modifications.
When an account is required to use our Services, you agree to provide us with complete and accurate information and to keep the information up to date so that we can communicate with you regarding your account. We may need to send you emails about important updates (such as changes to the Terms of Service or Privacy Policy) or to inform you about investigations or lawsuits we receive about your use of our Services so that you can make informed decisions in responding.
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2 GB of storage per database. By choosing the one-click installation for your project, we will automatically create a MariaDB 10 database for you. If you prefer to set it up manually, you can choose MySQL 5.
2 GB of storage per database. By choosing the one-click installation for your project, we will automatically create a MariaDB 10 database for you. If you prefer to set it up manually, you can choose MySQL 5.
2 GB of storage per database. By choosing the one-click installation for your project, we will automatically create a MariaDB 10 database for you. If you prefer to set it up manually, you can choose MySQL 5.
Optimized for traffic of up to 500 visitors per minute, it includes 768 MB PHP memory. Our Content Delivery Network guarantees fast load times by receiving your site’s data and distributing it among more than 150 data centers around the world. To optimize access, visitors receive information from the server closest to them.
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Hosting is an online service that allows you to publish a website or web application on the Internet. When you hire a hosting service, you basically rent space on a server where you can store all the files and data necessary for your website to function properly.
An SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate is a digital certificate that authenticates the identity of a website and encrypts the information sent to the server with SSL technology. Encryption is the process of scrambling data into an undecipherable format that can only be returned to a readable format with the proper decryption key.
A certificate serves as an electronic «passport» that establishes an online entity’s credentials when doing business on the Web. When an Internet user attempts to send credential information to a Web server, the user’s browser accesses the server’s digital certificate and establishes a secure connection.
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New beginnings are always the hardest, the adaptation curve always demands a lot of effort, spending more energy than usual and getting out of our comfort zone. The day I decided to become a professional triathlete I knew there was a big risk; I would no longer be on the starting line with women who were doing it recreationally: most of them combining it with their jobs, motherhood, etc.; now it would be with women who had dedicated most of their lives to train 100%, to develop in a high performance environment and extremely competitive worldwide.
Here is the capital of long distance running so I knew there had to be someone there for me. I sent several emails, started to evaluate options and among those options I found Simon Lessing’s website (ITU Hall of Fame Inductee). A friend had already told me about him, so when Simon invited me to have coffee at his house I gladly accepted. From the first time we spoke I knew he was exactly what I was looking for. I then learned that in addition to him being the head coach, he also had a team where his wife Liza was responsible for swimming, Darren DeReuck the running coach and his wife Colleen DeReuck the strength coach. All with impressive CV’s as athletes and coaches. As life’s coincidences go, Simon had been Chrissie’s coach as well. One way or another she was still guiding me without knowing it.